How to tips for migrating your iSeries to the cloud

iSeries cloud providers

If you are considering moving your iSeries to the cloud, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here are four tips for mig rating your iSeries to the cloud.

  1. Understand how you will use the cloud:

Before you begin the migration process, you should have a clear understanding of how you will use the cloud. Are you mig rating your entire iSeries or just specific applications? What is the purpose of moving your iSeries to the cloud? Will the cloud be used for disaster recovery or for development and testing? Once you have a clear understanding of how you will use the cloud, you will be able to determine which cloud provider is best suited for your needs.

  1. Be sure to back up your data:

Before you begin the migration process, you should back up all of your data. This includes your iSeries operating system, applications, and data. You should also create a backup of your iSeries configuration. This will ensure that you can restore your iSeries to its original state if something goes wrong during the migration process.

  1. Perform a test migration:

Once you have backed up your data, you should perform a test migration. This will allow you to verify that your data can be successfully migrated to the cloud. It will also allow you to test the performance of your applications in the cloud.

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  1. Have a plan for mig rating your applications:

Once you have mig rated your iSeries to the cloud, you will need to migrate your applications. You should have a plan for mig rating your applications before you begin the migration process. This will ensure that your applications are migrated successfully and that they continue to work properly in the cloud.

  1. Migrate your iSeries Applications to the Cloud:

Now that you have your iSeries in the cloud, you need to mig rate your applications. The first step is to identify which applications you need to migrate. Once you have identified the applications, you need to install them in the cloud.

  1. Keep an Open Line of Communication:

Once you have selected an iSeries cloud services, be sure to keep an open line of communication. This way, you can quickly resolve any issues that may arise.


Mig rating your iSeries to the cloud can be a complex process. However, if you follow these tips, you can ensure that your migration is successful.

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