Debunking Top 5 Common Myths with VPN Service


VPN has turned out to be an increasingly popular technology that provides connection over internet between private server and user. For secured corporate communication and networking access purposes, VPN was developed. Nowadays, non-corporate organizations and individuals also use this technology for secured and anonymous web browsing. More or less everyone is well accustomed to this term. However, some common misconceptions are also there with virtual private network. In this article, those myths shall be discussed. Debunking these myths is important for choosing a good VPN service.  IN order to choose professional VPN service, you can check NovaVPN.

  1. Free VPN Services Are Good

Many people ask why we should expense money on paid VPNs when we have free services. Free services are not as good as premium services for couple of reasons. Firstly, you would not get the right kind of speed with free services. Low bandwidth and commonly used IP addresses are the main reasons behind slow network speed. Security is not also good enough with free services. Premium services generally use OpenVPN protocol and free services us PPTP protocol.

Free services are not just nonprofessional, they can be threat to your security. VPN providers can track your online activities. As a result, they can cause security issues for you. Your private data may get compromised with free services. Professional and premium service providers will never ever do such things with their clients.

  1. VPN Offers Complete Anonymity

Most of the VPN services track or trace activity log of their clients. Hence, it would be exaggeration to claim that VPN features complete anonymity. However, it has to be reminded that service providers collect data of clients for improving their services, not for other reasons. There will not be breach of trust, especially when you are using premium as well as professional VPN service.


  1. Easy Torrent Access

Many people think that VPN service offers easy torrent website access. This is partly true, as not all services give access to torrent websites. There are certain services which only give you torrent or peer to peer downloading permission. Not just torrent access, you need good speed for downloading. Some providers offer torrent access, but they do not give enough speed for seamless downloading. Thus, before opting for a service provider, you need to check this aspect. Not just torrent access, but you also need good speed so that torrent files can be used for downloading data.

  1. VPN Makes Internet Access Slow

Many people get slow access to internet with their VPN service, and thus they come up with impression that using virtual private network grossly makes internet access slow. In reality, this is far from being truth. If you are getting slow internet access, you should consider changing your VPN service. Professional service providers give guaranteed speedy internet network connection. For example, you can choose NovaVPN which is one of the best services.

  1. VPN Is for Advanced Users

You do not have to be technically well versed or technology geek for using VPN service. It is for everyone and using virtual private network is simple.

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