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At this age and times, we must admit that the use of technology is all over. This is why we must accept to rely on it. It is the human activity that causes constant changes. Almost every sector of our economy relies on technology. Everywhere we go people talk of technology. The only constant thing is change, and technology causes many changes that can be noted at once. When someone wants to know how to make a youtube playlist, It must be noted that the procedures are very clear. Although at times you may need an expert to do that for you. But we must note that although we have good videos that we enjoy watching. The internet is full of cyber crimes and piracies. For sure we have reasons to be worried about.

The use of technology is better than the negatives that appear here and there. The criminals may even compromise the security agents but it is clear that one day they will be arrested. Some of them surrender early enough and stop the crimes on their own, but we are worried about the many others who are still at large. The government does its best to save the computers and the entertainment industry but somewhere there are appear to be a problem. The criminals are known people, but the community does not seem not well educated on the crimes. A well-educated society means the criminals cannot go on being so free as they are. When the society is educated and knows what is doing means we have fewer crimes or none at all. But our society is not well educated enough. People see the criminals as the lucky few, instead f realizing they are on the wrong side of the law. Once our views and values are properly reviewed then we shall be better off.

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Technology came to change us, but the few who take advantage of it and engage in criminal activities must realize are on the wrong side of the law, and that their days are numbered. We should not shut our eyes and pretend that everything is fine. We must be alert and on the lookout for the criminals. Technology is meant to benefit all of us, but those who take advantage of it should not be tolerated. We should not let our moral to erode as we watch.

Let us take responsibility for our lives as fast as possible we should not let people play with our lives in our presence. We must act to save the situation. Our youths remain our youths. We must do something about the criminals before it is too late. we should not wait to, learn the hard way.

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